DATES: 30 NOV. 2023
Below are the steps to create a sphinx documentation
STEP 1: Create a virtual environment in WSL2 (UBUNTU):
-> pip3 install --user virtualenv
-> ~/.local/bin/virtualenv .env
-> source .env/bin/activate
STEP 2: Install the libraries:
-> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
-> pip3 install sphinx
-> pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme
STEP 3: Create sphinx make.bat, makefile, files:
** Use sphinx-quickstart to generate Sphinx source directory with and index.rst:
-> mkdir docs
-> cd docs
-> sphinx-quickstart
Runing sphinx-quickstart will present to you a series of questions required to create the basic directory and configuration layout for your project inside the docs folder.:
To proceed, answer each question as follows:
> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]: Write “y” (without quotes) and press Enter.
> Project name: Write “Lumache” (without quotes) and press Enter.
> Author name(s): Write “Graziella” (without quotes) and press Enter.
> Project release []: Write “0.1” (without quotes) and press Enter.
> Project language [en]: Leave it empty (the default, English) and press Enter.
Check the creation of files:
> docs$ ls
Check the creation of build, make.bat, Makefile, and source:
> cd source
> docs/source$ ls index.rst instalation.rst
STEP 4: Configure the file:
-> go inside the file add these three lines:
Explanation: page 14 ref:
''' import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../Farside_sphinx/')) '''
STEP 5: Use sphinx-apidoc to generate reStructuredText files from source code Note: your files are located in this instance in Farside_sphinx folder:
> cd docs
> docs$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../Farside_sphinx/
STEP 6: Edit index.rst and the generated reStructuredText files:
> See ref:
> under "Writing the documentation"
STEP 7: Build and visualise documents:
> cd docs
> docs$ make html
To clean the html files:
> docs$ make clean
STEP 8: Update the Repository in gitlab
> Place your .py files in Farside_sphinx > Update the repository in GiTlab > This will update the website
- Can the documentation be automatic?
To add another documented, simply add the file in the Farside_sphinx folder and run step 5, 6, and 7.
- Update a file
After you have modified your file just run step 7.
- Instructions on how to write Sphinx’s docstring can be found here.
For docstring similar to numpy fft, the ref:
- Tip: File name formats.
Files name should be in one word, no dash, no underscore.
- Tip: Files not compiling.
An error may occur if some packages cannot the imported. Sphinx does required all packages to be compiled. However, this may not be possible on all computer.
- Thus, it is necessary to mock import these packages.
See ref: